Janet?! Dr. Scott?! Janet?! Brad?! Rocky...?
I don't know where to start. Maybe I'll just say Richard O'Brien is genius and leave it at that. I would if I could, but I need to explain why The Rocky Horror Picture Show is so good, and why The Rocky Horror Glee Show was so terrible (like it even needs to be said).
That's Dr. Frank-N-Furter,the complete star of the show, played by the amazing Tim Curry. Those of you who didn't know, Tim Curry was the jerk from the hotel in Home Alone 2, the voice of Nigel Thornberry and even played IT in Steven King's movie adaption of, well, IT, obviously. Tim Curry is the most talented person ever, which is saying something seeing as also in the cast is Meat Loaf as Eddie and Susan Sarandon as Janet.
I honestly don't know how the film of musical production ever even got off the ground. I wish I could be there watching Richard O'Brien (who played Riff Raff in the original British Stage show and in the Film) pitch it, in my head it goes like this:
'So this newly engaged couple, right, get a flat tyre by a mansion, which it turns out is filled with a crazy transvestite who is making the 'perfect man' from scratch, and it's all going well until the dead ex-boyfriend comes out of the freezer. So he kills him and later eats him. And oh yeah the couple get corrupted in there sometime too and everyone gets turned to statues and then back to people ad they put on a show all in fishnets and corsets and the swim in the pool and then the house flies off into space.' I guess in show-biz it really is who you know (not that Richard O'Brien doesn't know what he's doing)
For all of you who have never seen it I suggest the your first time as Rocky Horror 'virgins' that you go and watch the film in a theatre. For you Melburnians, I know the Astor Theatre plays in every now and then (and if you do go look out for me there!) The deal with seeing it live is, you have to dress up like transvestites. And when the Time Warp comes on you have to dance. And everytime the name Janet is said you have to scream out 'SLUT' and every time the name Brad is said you have to shout 'ASSHOLE'. And when it's raining you have to cover your head with newspaper, and at the party scene you need a party hat. Also, bring some toast for when Frank says 'A toast!', so you can throw is at the screen. It's actually the most fun I've ever had in my life.
I think if anything, the lyrics from Fanfare/Don't Dream it, be it speaks for the show:
'Give yourself over to absolute pleasure
Swim the warm waters of sins of the flesh
Erotic nightmares beyond any measure
And sensual day dreams to treasure forever'
I hope I didn't ramble too much, I feel I could go on forever. If you didn't read or couldn't be bothered, I'll let this Sweet Transvestite speak from him/herself
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