Monday, 10 October 2011

have you met miss jones?

Sorry about the title, I couldn't resist. Anyway, in my first post I promised I would share the work of some of my friends, and I'll start with the blog of my good friend Penelope. I've always had a bit of a writers crush on Penelope, she writes in the style I've always wished I could pull off. Here's an excerpt from her latest post to get you interested:
'I’ve forgotten why I write, or want to be a writer. And it’s not about the marks, or the applause from family/friends/world. I write because it’s my calling, because of the joy and creativity that comes from writing, and because I love it.'

The best thing about it is that it really makes me want to get up and do something. She makes me remember that I'm in control of my own life, so there's no excuse for me to sit around and wait for something to happen.
'Today, I am going to dedicate myself to living my values. I will think loving thoughts and focus on happiness. I will see the lesson and the blessing in all that happens to me, and be open to opportunity. When I get squeezed today, I promise myself that love will be what flows out.'

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